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Mind Of Social Personality Development

Achieving the goal to reach the highest planes of consciousness can put you on the road to finishing social and personality development. The consciousness is a state where the person reaches an agreement by defining knowledge that rests in the mind. Sometimes the attempted explanations tend to become tautological.

What this means is that the definitions may seem redundant. The linguistics of this redundancy will continue to repeat self until you arrive at the meaning or idea by challenging different views. In order words, to work through developing the highest planes of consciousness, you must accept that redundancy is your best friend, since if you keep repeating you will discover answers waiting on your mental doorstep. You reach the most logical explanation, which clears the mind of doubts, fears and other negative habitats that rob you of your identity.

Self-consciousness is another story. When you become self-conscious, you may create a pattern of negative behaviors. The mind reserves information, which could lead to hang-ups, shyness, embarrassment, or other reticence. The negative changes may cause you to feel hesitant when expressing your feelings and thoughts. This could lead to major calamity, since it repeats negative thinking patterns. Therefore, you want to work toward a higher plane of consciousness.

Keep in mind however that some areas of self-consciousness are good. For example, if you are self-conscious, reserved and modest, then you have working qualities that could make you stand out from other people. Being reserved is not all bad. Most times, you have to stand back and take a closer look before you start to speak. Many people confuse shyness with the reserved type of personality.

The introversions may not stem from bashfulness; rather it could come from your learning styles. The reserved person is better to learn from observations and paying close attention. Developing a higher plane of consciousness will create an honest, direct person. This person will have sincerity. We have many benefits from developing a higher plane of consciousness. For instance, it will expand our memory. This is good because then you will see what is needed to resolve the many issues embedded in your mind.

Throughout the self-development process, you will need to self-analyze you constantly. Staying on guard will help you battle the shady thoughts that develop from your mind. The negative thoughts will rob you of total recall and awareness, which makes the road to social and personality development more difficult.

One must avoid absorbing into his negative thoughts. We need to use affirmative thinking to manipulate the thoughts so that they do not bring us down. You will have peace of mind when you work through the negative thoughts, since it opens up to expressiveness and logical reason. You are building a fortitude, which makes up your personality and social skills.

This fortitude must be constructed on a solid platform, otherwise you will find it difficult to climb the social ladder and identify you. Take some time today to study online resources that offer you additional direction in social and personality development.

For now, close your eyes for a moment or two. Sit back and relax. Try this at home, since you will feel more comfortable. Keep your eyes closed and start to look into your mind. Allow your mind room to express its thoughts and feelings. As your mind expresses the thoughts and feelings, begin to discover the hidden messages and its meaning. Continue learning from the subliminal mind and you will grow strong.

Remember, when you have to struggle the reward at the end of the road is much worth your efforts.